Thursday, July 16, 2015

Food Culture

Not saying that we have a food identity crisis, but it's much different in Asia. Americans have strong regional tastes, but missing out when it comes to national foods. The reason is quite simple, the US is divided by race / ethnicity, geography, and culture. For example, most everyone knows that I'm from the South and if they don't, all I need to do is mention fried okra, sweet tea, and grits! Blacks don't eat the same as whites, while rich eat differently than other social classes. You get the idea.

Many people ask, "How can you stand to eat X food all the time?" The answer is quite simple, it's healthy and delicious! Americans often associate Asian food with Chinese food, and Chinese food with the Chinese buffet. I think I would die if I had to eat from a Chinese buffet every night of the week, just like you! Death by sweets will kill you in the US, but not in Nam. Where's the chocolate around this place?

Vietnam has a strong food culture, both regionally and nationally. It's a homogeneous population and everyone can speak the same language. Imagine that. Here they take great pride in food, but in the US we treat it as a necessary evil - box, can, or freezer? Most US women have lost or never learned how to cook, thanks to the microwave. Get this, most Vietnamese kitchens don't have ovens. Fresh food is cooked daily, and hardly anything is processed. Did I mention healthy and delicious?


  1. I am sure that Coke you are drinking is healthy and delicious as well, right? LOL

  2. Have to make some exceptions from time to time! My rationale is caffeine and sugar, both of which are in scarce supply around here!!! Remember, I'm only acting like a tourist. :)
